With a background in Media Culture Studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar and a Master in Design at Bauhaus Dessau, I'm currently coaching at the HPI School of Design Thinking in Potsdam. With that divers connections in mind I'm researching about the phenomenology of camping and its various specifications. With a camper I'm driving around on different campgrounds with the approach of research through design.
How to be modern today?
Honestly? For me the key to "modern" lies in stop designing posters and toasters and start designing lives. It's about the question of how do we want to live together … !? Thinking modern means "Global Localism" (get inspired from outside, but find solutions for the local spot) and "Life-Long-Learning". Form each other, from history from stories. Modern doesn't mean something new, it means designing something meaningful. As simple as is sounds. ;)