Hi, I'm Jeanette. I am like a bridge-builder, but instead of bricks and steel, my tools are words and processes. I help people get from A to B. I come from neuroscience, have worked as a translator and currently co-run a communication agency. My question: how to be modern and upgrade the process when my trade and industry still rests on traditional means and methods? My contribution: provocative questions, processes and a personal mix tape of experience in observing modern (wo)man at work and at play.
How to be modern today?
To be modern means to be acutely aware of the present, to be savvy enough to learn from the past (but not linger in it) and to have your wits about you regarding uncertainty (otherwise known as: the future). Less binary and more like a DJ mixing console.
Activity: Modern Voices – Soundbites from the Digital Bauhaus Summit 2017
Track: Modern Talking
Date: Day 1 – ongoing
Location: Neufert-Mansion, Gelmeroda
What does it mean to be modern today? Where are we now and where are we headed? Add your Senf to the discussion on being modern: let's hear what you've got to say. Add value by spreading your ideas beyond the here and now. All soundbites will be shared via workspiel using the hashtags: #dbs17 and #dbs17voices