Student in the dual master's programme International Media Architecture (State University of New York at Buffalo/Bauhaus-Universität Weimar). An interdisciplinary nomad coming from an architectural background, much "indoctrinated" in the modernist ideals, believes in an inclusive design practice. Had brief encounters with doctorate research methods, and with Husserlian phenomenology and Heideggerian ontology.
How to be modern today?
One must acknowledge an invaluable modernist heritage – that is, to look up to the imperfect yet utopian ideals of the modern architects, always believing in us as enablers and reformers of society. In answering the question, we shall consider the Latourian, symmetrical analysis of "modern" and "pre-modern", Sloterdijk's critique of the modernist globe and that despite our awareness of the limits of modernist ideals, we must recognize their inventive patterns and ways of practice.