Born in Siberia, raised in Berlin, still struggling to unite my families traditional, almost conservative values with, well, modern society. Fascinated and frightened by the pace of digitalization, which led to studying Media and Communication Science (B.A.) and Media Management (M.A. Oct. 2017) mainly focusing on entrepreneurship, new work, sharing economy and smart cities. Trying to find my path iteratively, which led to first working experiences for start-ups such as (editorial & content team) and more "traditional" companies like Grüner Salon at Volksbühne Berlin (head of press & public relations). Chasing after the millennial dream of having it all while helping to shape a better future without a clue how to actually achieve it. Trying to figure out which path to take and which goal to set after finishing university and facing real life.
How to be modern today?
Don't be afraid of progress. Don't get too hung up on stuff. Leave your comfort zone as often as you get. Ask as many questions as you can and educate yourself. Be kind and openminded. Be conscious. Connect to the world, be a global citizen and make the most out of the so called sharing economy. Don't be too naive when it comes to digitalization. Use the internet wisely. Be rational instead of being judgy. Don't let social media doubt yourself. Dare to be you and use your voice.