Katharina Meyer
Katharina Meyer is trained as historian of technology and in arts+media administration and curates knowledge and objects. At STATE Festival and re:publica, she coordinates all activities in the fields of science & culture. At Polynocular Tech lab, she trains students in transdisciplinary computer science.
Eclectic Memory Game of Modernism
Track: Modern Talking
Date: Day 1 – 16:00
Location: Neufert-Mansion, Gelmeroda
A good idea will often not be enough to bring about new things. For it to succeed, it seems crucial that an innovative idea is seen as useful by several groups working on it with different approaches. If, for example, two innovative ideas compete with each other on the same field, success or failure appear to depend on subtle nuances. One such example is the so-called War of Currents, a series of events surrounding the introduction of competing electric power transmission systems in the late 1880s and early 1890s.It is only in retrospect that we can see how the choice of partners, chance, and fortunate encounters have shaped the history of technology and other mordernizations.
Five such examples will be turned into a memory game.
The game will be played in German.